The village of Laggan was used to portray Glenbogle in Monarch of the Glen and various locations around the village appeared in the series. The primary school was used for Glenbogle school, the Craft Shop appeared as Wallace's Garage and Funeral Directors, while the local shop became MacKechnie's Stores. The start and end of the hill race in Series One episode two was also filmed next to the village. Around half a mile from Laggan on the road to the Corrieyairack Pass is the ruined cottage which was used as Katrina's cottage in Series One and the folk museum in Series Two. It was never explained how Katrina wrecked this perfectly good cottage. She also did the same to the cottage she had in Series Two. When Golly was given this same cottage in Series 4 it was derelict and he had to do up. Moral of the story, never rent to Katrina...... For me what is really impressive about the village of laggan is it's amazingly good public toilet. Part Scots stonework and part Scandanavian Pine Chalet, it makes most of the rest of publicly provided sanitary arrangements in Scotland appear to come from the dark ages. And, as if that was not enough, it is also the only public toilet in at least a thousand square mile area! This information was brought to you by Scotland the Highlands Public Toilet Location Guide - probably one of the smallest websites in existence.....