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The Evolution of Computer Coding and Software
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The Evolution of Computer Coding and Software

The age of computer programming began before software existed. The first algorithm for computer code was created by Ada Lovelace when she wrote a series of notes from 1842 to 1843 for calculating Bernoulli numbers. The algorithm was intended for use with the Analytical Engine, which Charles Babbage was designing at the time. The earliest type of programming language was machine-specific, which meant that it was written to be run directly by the computer it was made for.

Over time, more programming languages developed that were designed to be readable by humans. These languages required a compiler, which converted the code into machine-specific programs. Some of the early compiled programming languages included assembly language, FORTRAN, COBOL, and C. C++ came into existence in 1985, ushering in a new age of object-oriented programming that revolutionized software development. BASIC, or Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, was one of the first forms of scripted languages that could be run by a computer without first having to compile it. This language, which first appeared in 1964, became popular in the 1970s and enabled home users to develop their own programs. Other scripted languages that appeared afterward and persist today include Perl, Javascript, HyperText Markup Language (HTML), Python, and Ruby.

For more information about computer languages and their history, please see the following links: